Checklist of Poisonous Plants in Al Mansora and Jarjar– oma regions of Al Jabal Al Akhdar- Libya


  • Ensaf H. Dakeel Botany Department Faculty of Science Omar Al Mukhtar University Al Baida, Libya
  • Abdusslam M. Elmogasapi2 Botany Department Faculty of Science Benghazi University Benghazi, Libya
  • Hana Y. Omar Botany Department Faculty of Science Omar Al Mukhtar University Al Baida, Libya
  • Mohammed A. Alaib Botany Department Faculty of Science Benghazi University Benghazi, Libya..



Checklist, Al Jabal Al Akhdar, Poisonous plant, Al Mansora, Jarjar oma.


The total number of poisonous species in the two regions was 78 species. In Al Mansora region 36 species which belongs to 32 genera and 22 families, 9 species belong to monocotyledons and 27 species belongs to dicotyledons were recoreded. The results showed that the percentage of poisonous plants was 20.5% in Al Mansora region. However, in Jarjar oma region 42 species which belongs to 37 genera and 23 families, 10 species belong to monocotyledons and 32 species belongs to dicotyledons were recorded. Also, the results showed that the percentage of poisonous plant was 23.4% in Jarjar oma region. The checklist included family, scientific name, local name, some toxic plant parts and some effects for some species.


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How to Cite

Dakeel, E. H., M. Elmogasapi2, A., Omar , H. Y., & Alaib, M. A. (2024). Checklist of Poisonous Plants in Al Mansora and Jarjar– oma regions of Al Jabal Al Akhdar- Libya. Scientific Journal for Faculty of Science-Sirte University, 4(2), 109–117.