The cardiovascular function and growth of the developing embryo exposed to nicotine during the early stages of chicken embryo.


  • kawakeb saad Zoology Department, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Al Bayda, LibyaOmar Al-Mukhtar University
  • Rabeea Emtawel Zoology Department, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Al Bayda, Libya



Nicotine, Developing embryo, Heart Disfunction


Congenital malformations, present at birth, can be caused by genetic factors, environmental influences, or both. Nicotine exposure during pregnancy, whether due to passive smoke exposure or active smoking, is a significant environmental factor contributing to congenital malformations. Nicotine imitates acetylcholine, a natural chemical in the body, and its consumption by expectant mothers leads to growth delays, nervous system and cardiac abnormalities, and other abnormalities.

The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of nicotine on the early stages of embryonic development. The study focused on observing general morphological abnormalities in the development, and alterations in heart rate using domestic chick Galls galls embryos. Fertilized eggs were sterilized with 70% ethanol and then injected with three concentrations of nicotine solution (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 mg/ml) on day zero before being placed in an incubator set at a temperature range of 37.5 - 38 Co. The current research indicated the effects of nicotine on the heart rate (HR) of chicken embryos treated at different stages, HH19 (Day 3), HH27 (Day 5), and HH36 (Day 10), with nicotine solutions in a decrease in HR. This suggests that nicotine has a notable effect on the heart rate of chicken embryos at various developmental stages.


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How to Cite

saad, kawakeb, & Emtawel, R. (2024). The cardiovascular function and growth of the developing embryo exposed to nicotine during the early stages of chicken embryo. Scientific Journal for Faculty of Science-Sirte University, 4(2), 41–52.