Floristic Study of Al-Orban area in Gharyan District-Libya


  • Mohammed H. Mahklouf Botany Department, Sciences Faculty, Tripoli University, Libya.
  • Sh-hoob M. El-Ahmir Botany Department, Sciences Faculty, Gharyan University, Libya



Plant diversity, , Life-forms, , Corotypes, , Gharyan., Floristic study


The goal of this study was to investigate the vegetation composition and structure of the Al-Orban area in Gharyan district, Libya over two continues growing seasons from the first of  January  to  the first of Jaunary 2022. During this period, a total of 309 plant species were identified and collected in the field. These species belonged to 43 families, with 39 families of dicotyledons and 4 families of monocotyledons. The most dominant family was Asteraceae with 60 species, followed by Fabaceae with 32 species, Poaceae with 33 species, and Brassicaceae with 35 species. The most dominant genera were Plantago and Euphorbia, each represented by 6 species, followed by Erodium and Chenopodiun with 5 species each, and Astragalus, Centaurea, Rumex, Concolvulus, and Stipa each represented by 4 species. Life-form spectrum analysis indicated that Therophytes were the most predominant with 189 species, followed by Hemicryptophytes with 47 species, and geophytes with 40 species. Furthermore, chorotype spectrum analysis showed the dominance of Mediterranean species with 128 species, followed by Mediterranean/Iranian-Turanian with 66 species. These findings provide valuable insight into the plant diversity and distribution in the Al-Orban area of Gharyan district, Libya.


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How to Cite

Mahklouf, M. H., & El-Ahmir, S.- hoob M. (2023). Floristic Study of Al-Orban area in Gharyan District-Libya. Scientific Journal for Faculty of Science-Sirte University, 3(2), 29–43.