Micropropagation of Paulownia elongata tree through Plant Tissue Culture Technology
https://doi.org/10.37375/sjfssu.v2i2.86الكلمات المفتاحية:
Paulownia elongata, plant Tissue culture, Micropropagation, Plant growth regulatorsالملخص
The study was carried out at biotechnology research center laboratories for the purpose of Micropropagation of Paulownia elongata tree by using plant tissue culture technique for the purpose of identifying the best plant Micropropagation conditions. The plants were sterilized superficially by immersing them in the Clorox solution, then the sterilized plants were cultured in MS media supplemented with several concentrations of (BA and Kinetin) for the purpose of obtaining the best vegetative growths. Obtained plants were also cultured in MS media supplemented with different concentrations of (IBA and NAA) for the purpose of obtaining the best root growth. Finally plants were moved for the adaptation stage. The results indicated that single-nods cultured in (MS) media supplemented with a concentration of 2 and 2.5 mg / L of (BA) growth regulator resulted in good vegetative growth represented in the number of leaves, while the best treatment of branches growth was using 2 mg / L concentration of the Kinetin (K) growth regulator but For the length of the plant, the treatment of the control achieved the best results. For the root site, the results showed that the culture media (MS) plus 0.2 mg / L of the growth regulator (NAA) resulted in the best root growth. As for the adaptation, the results showed that 85% of the plants could be adapted to the sterile environment of soil with 1: 1 size / volume before transferring them to the greenhouse.
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