Comparison of two Genomic DNA Extraction Protocols from Single Dray Seed of Barley Crop
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Barley plant, Plant DNA extraction, CTAB, SDS.الملخص
Modern plant breeding studies are largely based on plant genetic engineering programs. Extraction of DNA with high quality plays as a key factor in most of plant genetic Studies, therefore two different DNA extraction protocols based on CTAB buffer and SDS buffer were tested for the purpose of selecting the best DNA extraction protocol from dry seeds of nine variety of barely plant . Barley seeds were taken from Libyan seeds gene bank .After Barely samples were prepared DNA was extracted directly using CTAB and SDS solutions .The quality of extracted DNA was assessed by spectrophotometric measurements and gel electrophoresis system. The results of this study showed that purity of extracted DNA by CTAB method was clearly batter compared with SDS method. CTAB method seemed to be more effective for extracting DNA from barely dry seeds. High quality DNA obtained through use of CTAB method, while CTAB had overall better A260/A280 ratio (1.736-1.932). SDS method seemed to be not suitable for DNA extraction from dry seeds of barely crop.
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