In vitro Micropropagation of Ginger plant (Zingiber officinale)
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Micropropagation، Plant growth regulators، Tissue culture، Zingiber officinaleالملخص
The study was conducted for the purpose of micro propagation of ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) through use of plant tissue culture technique to identify the best plant micro propagation conditions. The plant samples were sterilized superficially by immersing them in the Clorox solution, and then the sterilized plants were cultured in MS media in order to obtain free contamination culture. After the sufficient number of ginger plants had obtained the plants were replanted in MS media supplemented with several concentrations of (BA and NAA) for the purpose of obtaining the best vegetative growths. The treatments were divided into four treatments as T1 (control treatment contains MS without hormones), T2 (MS +0.1mg/l NAA+1mg/l BA), T3 (MS+0.1mg/l NAA+2mg/l BA) and T4 (MS+ 1mg/l NAA). The results of this study showed that addition of 0.1mgNAA with 1 or 2mg/l BA improve the vegetative growth of ginger plant. It is also proved that the average of plant length, number of brunches and number of leaves was significantly higher in T2 and T3 compared with other two treatments. Furthermore, results proved that combination between NAA and BA gave the best vegetative growth. For the root site, the results showed that the culture media (MS) plus 1 mg / L of the growth regulator (NAA) resulted in the highest of root growth. A cording to our results addition 0.1mg NAA with 1 or 2mg/l BA would be the best choice for In vitro Micropropagation of ginger plan.
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