Phytoremediation of Crude Oil-Polluted Soil by Maize (Zea mays) and Sunflower (Helianthus Annus)


  • Farag Abu Drehiba Libyan Biotechnology Research Center Department tissue culture plant.
  • Abubaker Edkymish Libyan Authority for Scientific Research, Tripoli, Libya
  • Abdurrazzaq Braydan Libyan Biotechnology Research Center Department tissue culture plant
  • Otman Ermithi Libyan Biotechnology Research Center Department tissue culture plant
  • Mohamed Mukhtar Libyan Biotechnology Research Center Department tissue culture plant
  • Elmundr Abughnia Libyan Biotechnology Research Center Department tissue culture plant.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Phytoremediation، hydrocarbon-polluted soil ، Maize (Zea mays)، Sunflower (Helianthus Annus)


Recent studies on Phytoremediation of Crude Oil-Polluted Soil gave positive results in both efficiency and cost. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Maize (Zea mays), Sunflower (Helianthus Annus) in the biodegradation of total hydrocarbons of soils contaminated with crude oil. The experiment was conducted at the experimental station of The Libyan Center for Biotechnology Research (Tripoli, Libya) to test the ability of the selective plants in stimulating the microbial decomposition of soil pollutants - particularly Crude Oil- decreasing or eliminate these pollutants. The experiment was designed according to Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), and the selective plants were (maize and sunflower) planted in pots containing soil treated with different crude oil concentrations (0%, 1.25%, 2.50%, 3.75%, and 5% w/w) for 90 days to test and compare the ability of the studied plants in reducing the pollution in the presence of microbial activity. By the treatment of 3.75% (37,500 ppm) crude oil concentration, the total hydrocarbon concentration decreased to 86.10 ppm by maize and to 77.47 ppm by sunflower, while, by the control of treatment was 188.48 ppm. The total number of the aerobic bacteria at the end of the experiment didn’t show significant differences in comparison to zero time except for the 5% pollution treatment by which the total number was 313.23x104 CFU by maize, 164.92x104 CFU by sunflower and 2200.17x104 CFU by the control treatment.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Abu Drehiba, F., Edkymish, A., Braydan, A., Ermithi, O., Mukhtar, M., & Abughnia, E. (2023). Phytoremediation of Crude Oil-Polluted Soil by Maize (Zea mays) and Sunflower (Helianthus Annus). المجلة العلمية لكلية العلوم, 3(1), 145–149.



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