In vitro phytochemical screening, Antioxidant and Anti-platelet Activities of Libyan Arbutus pavarii Extract


  • Noura Libyan Biotechnology Research Center Department tissue culture plant
  • Faraj Zgheel Libyan Biotechnology Research Center Department tissue culture plant
  • Adem Libyan Center for Biotechnology Research, Plant Tissue Culture Department.
  • Elmundr Abughnia Libyan Center for Biotechnology Research, Plant Tissue Culture Department.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Arbutus pavarii، Antioxidant، Antiplatelet.


This study was conducted to investigate the active compound like alkaloid and phenolic compound in leaves and fruit extracts of Arbutus pavarii compound and to determine the potential effect of methanol extract of Arbutus pavarii to improve antioxidant properties activity in a dose-dependent manner with good IC50 values. The antioxidant effect of Arbutus pavarii was investigated by scavenger effect using 1, 1-diphenyl-2 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). And we observe the possibility of Arbutus pavarii extract to prevent human platelets aggregation. The effect of Arbutus pavarii extract related to its active compounds including polyphenols which able to reduce the scavenge of the hydroxyl radicals in human body leading prevent dysfunction pathway, the mechanism underlying such effects related to a reduce the vascular formation of Reactive oxygen species (ROS). The present findings indicated that Arbutus pavarii has antioxidant effects and the ability to prevent human platelets aggregation. These results could be indicator to improve the verity cells dysfunction in human body, then improve the function of cardiovascular and also to reduce pathological arterial wall.  Further suggest that Arbutus pavarii might be an interesting candidate as a good food therapeutic.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Noura, Zgheel, F., Adem, & Abughnia , E. (2023). In vitro phytochemical screening, Antioxidant and Anti-platelet Activities of Libyan Arbutus pavarii Extract. المجلة العلمية لكلية العلوم, 3(2), 88–95.



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