Testing an Allelopathic Effect Arum Cyreniacum on Germination and Growth of Pisum Sativum L
https://doi.org/10.37375/sjfssu.v2i1.203الكلمات المفتاحية:
Arum cyreniacum, Alellopathy, Crude powder, Pisum sativumالملخص
Two experiments were conducted (laboratory - pots) at the lab of the biology Department/ Faculty of education/ Omar Al-Mukhtar University/ Al Bayda/ Libya, to aim testing allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts at concentrations of (6, 8 and 10%), adding the Crude powder to soil at a concentration of (3%) of (Tubers-Leaves) Arum cyreniacum on the germination of seeds and development seedlings of Pisum sativum with three replications according to a completely randomized design. The results of the laboratory experiment showed were significant differences in reduction of germination percentage, reduction of radical and plumule lengths between aqueous extracts, compared with control, also, all concentrations caused a clear delay in an average germination time. The results of a pots experiment showed a concentration (3%) reduced the percentage emergence of seedlings, and decrease root and shoot lengths, fresh and dry weights of seedlings. A concentration (3%) caused a decrease of content chlorophyll (a, b), and sodium, an accumulation of carotenoids, potassium and iron, compared to the control. The leaves had the highest inhibition rates compared to the tubers at inhibiting the growth of studied traits. This study concluded that A. cyreniacum has inhibitory effects against germination of P.sativum.
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