Study of Statistical Control Charts and Process Capability to Improve Quality Control Techniques (Case Study Applied in Wool Textile Company– Baniwalid)


  • Forjani Ali Ahmed Mechanical and Industrial Department, Faculty of Engineering /Bani-walid, Azzaytouna University

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Quality، Quality Control، Statistical Quality Control، Control Charts، X-R Control Charts، Process Capability


This paper   includes the study of statistical control charts and process capability to improve the quality of the woven carpet which were produced in Wool Textile Company (line of weaving carpet ). The task is dedicated and applied to enable the evaluation of the performance for the manufacturing machines. For the case study applied, manufacturing process is selected namely (weaving carpet ) in order to evaluate their performance by application of ( control charts) namely " average - range" charts. Two techniques are used to evaluate the actual performance of the operation by process capability calculations and statistical analysis based on histogram technique. MINTAB software was used to facilitate the statistical process control, and process capability analysis .The results show high degree of accuracy by using the program and the mathematical operations (primary and secondary ) which used to draw the control charts limits and to reject the statistically uncontrolled samples . Moreover, a final chart was drawn to be used in the factory . The results showed that some of machines are unable to satisfy the specification tolerances due to obsolescence and deprecation, therefore, total maintenance for these machines.


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