Editor in Chiefs comment.
Dear colleagues and scientific community of Sirte University; In this difficult time of COVID-19 pandemic, I’m honored and so pleased to become an Editor in chief of our persistently growing Journal. On behalf of the editorial board, I would like to express our appreciation of your trust, and our dedication to Sirte University mission to strengthen and support our scholars and researchers.
As an editor’s committee, we will provide unwavering support to the scientific community and we will provide our maximum effort to help young scholars publishing their work. We would like to ask all of you to participate and to continue your hard work and commitment to research and education. I’m truly optimistic about the strides we are making to get our Journal stronger and recognized. Together, we can make this happen. Our mission is to publish the best research and science information, and to present this information in understandable, useful formats. To these ends, Sirte University Scientific Journal, sets the highest standards for editorial, peer and statistics review processes to evaluate manuscripts for scientific accuracy, novelty and importance. Manuscript’s submission, review and publication process are available in our website. Our staff will be happy to guide and help you throughout your work. Finally, we would like to thank the leaders of Sirte University and all university staff for their trust and anticipated collaboration to enrich our scientific community.
My best wishes to all of you.
Stay safe
Professor, Abdullah Ali Elamari.
Editor In Chief Sirte University Scientific Journal