Egyptian-American Cultural Rivalry in the Libyan University 1955-1957 (Historical-Documentary Study)
Egyptian-American, Cultural Rivalry, Libyan UniversityAbstract
This research aims to explore and examines, for the first time, the Egyptian American rivalry in the first institution for higher education in Libya. The competitors took Advantage of new modern weak state of Libya for monopolizing a crisis of higher education in the country for their interests, even if they were against Libya and its national interests. In This research, the authors rely on archival material regarding the first two deans of faculty of arts and education, including memorandum, correspondences, and reports that deposited in the U.S Archive in College Park, Maryland.
أولاً: الوثائق:
- Despatch from U.S Embassy to Department of State August 22, 1956, ''Proposal for an Arab-American University Consultative Group," White House Office Papers, National Security Council series, Box 12; folder's Policy toward Libya, Eisenhower Presidential Library, Abaline, Kansas, The United States of America.
- Despatch from American Embassy to Department of State, August 15, 1956, American Staff for Libyan University, White House Office Papers, National Security Council series, Operation Coordinating Board, Eisenhower Presidential Library, Abaline, Kansas, The United States of America.
- Latter from Elmer B. Staats, Executive Officer of the Operations Coordinating Board, to Edward P. Lilly, September 11, 1956, Problem of an American Staff for the Libyan University, White House Office Papers, National Security Council series, Operation Coordinating Board, Eisenhower Presidential Library, Abaline, Kansas, The United States of America.
- Despatch from American embassy to Department of State, August 7, 1957, Observations of Libyan University's American Dean on the Eve of His Departure, Central files 873.432/8-757, U.S National Archives, College Park, Maryland, The United States of America.
- Latter from Khadduri to the Rector of Libyan University, August 3,1957, Despatch No. 10, Central files 873.432/8-357, U.S National Archives, College Park, Maryland,
- Telegram from American Embassy to Secretary of State, September 10, 1957,
Telegram No. 160, Central files 873.432/9-957, U.S National Archives, College Park, Maryland, The United States of America.
- Telegram from Department of State to American Embassy, September 10, 1957, Central files 873.432/8-2957, U.S National Archives, College Park, Maryland, The United States of America.
- Despatch No. 99, from American embassy to Department of State, September 16, 1957, Memorandum of Conversation with Minister of Education Tahir Al-Bakir on Subjects of Scholarships for Libyan Students and American Professors for the Libyan University, Central files 873.432/9-1657, U.S National Archives, College Park, Maryland, The United States of America.
- Despatch No. 27, from American embassy to Department of State, September 13, 1957, Report of the Dean of the College of Arts and Education of the University of Libya for the period January-August 1957, Central files 873.432/9-1357, U.S National Archives, College Park, Maryland, The United States of America.
- U. S. Department of State. Foreign Relations of the United States: 1955–1957, Near East Region; Iran; Iraq, Volume XII. Edited by John P. Glennon, Paul Claussen, Edward C. Keefer, Will Klingaman, Nina J. Noring. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1991.
ثانياً: الصحف الأجنبية:
- The New York Times, " W. W. Cleland, 84, Educator is Dead", December 4, 1972, page42.
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