The Impact of Tribal Fanaticism on Family Upbringing in Libyan Society


  • Saud Ali Alshtyi dhu Assistant Professor, Sirte University



Fanaticism, Tribe, Racial Fanaticism, and Ethnocentrism


Objectives: This study aimed to clarify the negative effects resulting from the practice of tribal fanaticism on the individual and society, which leads to the disintegration of society and prevents its prosperity and progress, spreads feeling of hatred among its members, clarifying the extent of the impact of tribal fanaticism on family upbringing in Libyan society, and shedding light on the important role of family upbringing in reducing the phenomenon of tribal fanaticism.

Methodology: This study was conducted by applying the descriptive analytical approach, where the researcher presented the relative information of the study, identified the reasons that led to tribal fanaticism, searched for appropriate solutions, followed the analytical approach and collected data according to the quantitative approach, where the questionnaire used as a study instrument to identify the impact of tribal fanaticism on family upbringing in Libyan society, and the data was collected and processed through statistical analysis to generalize to the study community.

Results: The results of the statistical analysis showed that tribal fanaticism clearly affects family upbringing in Libyan society, through the community members practicing tribal fanaticism represented in racial fanaticism and ethnocentrism

 Conclusion: The study recommended focusing on the important role of the family in raising its children to belong to the homeland, raising them on Islamic morals and promoting the values ​​of tolerance and good citizenship, which contributes to reducing tribal fanaticism, conducting interviews and media programs that clarify the danger of tribal fanaticism on the lives of individuals and society and broadcasting them in various media outlets, enacting legislation and laws that punish those who practice tribal fanaticism, putting these legislations into effect, uniting the ranks of one society members and rejecting tribal fanaticism to confront dangers, challenges and develop society.


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How to Cite

Saud Ali Alshtyi dhu. (2025). The Impact of Tribal Fanaticism on Family Upbringing in Libyan Society. Abhat Journal, 17(1), 236–221.