Intellectual Transformations and Their Impact on Christian Doctrine in the Third Century AD


  • Masyuona Mohamed Department of History/ Faculty of Arts- Tobruk University/ Libya
  • Khamees Irhuma Department of History/ Faculty of Arts-Tobruk University/Libya



Theological school, Aristotelian logic, Trinity, Arianism, Nicaea Council, Apollinarianism


This study addresses the role of the School of Theology, established in the third century AD, in shaping Christian theological thought. The school emerged in a culturally rich environment characterized by the influences of Greek philosophy, particularly Aristotelian logic, which helped to develop a rational approach to the study of religious texts. One of the most notable features of the school was its focus on the literal interpretation of texts and rejection of symbolic interpretations, leading to the formation of a theological identity marked by clarity and precision.

Prominent figures emerged, such as Bishop Theophilus of Antioch, who was a defender of the Christian faith against heresies, and Paul of Samosata, whose views on the nature of Christ sparked widespread controversy. Paul denied the Trinity, which resulted in significant internal conflicts that affected the unity of the Church.

         The study aims to analyze the fundamental principles upon which the Antiochene School was founded and how it contributed to the formation of Christian doctrine. It also focuses on the theological disputes that arose from intellectual differences, leading to the convening of church councils in an effort to achieve doctrinal unity.

        Through a historical-analytical methodology, the study offers a comprehensive view of how philosophical thought interacted with religion and how the school contributed to the formation of new opinions regarding Christian doctrine. Additionally, it examines the impact of these disputes on the unity of the Church and its social and political relations, illustrating how intellectual differences can lead to profound divisions that affect the stability of the Church.


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How to Cite

Masyuona Mohamed, & Khamees Irhuma. (2025). Intellectual Transformations and Their Impact on Christian Doctrine in the Third Century AD. Abhat Journal, 17(1), 67–57.