Evaluating Geotechnical Engineering Properties of Sandy soil using Granulate Waste Tires


  • fauzi Jarushi Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli
  • Abdullah Talibullah Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya


Used tires and scrap materials is environmental issue, cause and contribute to economic difficulties. It was necessary to find a safe ways to reduce the harm. This study was to investigate the impact of granulate waste tires as additive on the mechanical properties of silty sand soils through laboratory tests. Different percentages of granulate waste tires mixed added in 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by a dry weight and the change in index properties were examined. It was noticed that there was a decrease in specific gravity from 2.57 to 2.04 at 20% whereas the California Bearing Ratio values of soaked and unsoaked condition decreased from 27% to 12% and from 37% to 10%, respectively as the granulate waste tires increased to 20%. Direct shear test results indicated that adding of granulate waste tires increased friction angle from 30.34o at 5% to 36.3o at 20% and reduced the cohesion values from 2.94 kPa to 0 kPa at 0% and 20%, respectively. Modified Proctor and vibrating compaction tests reveal that a little reduction in the maximum dry density as the waste tires increased by limiting the content of up to 20%. It is recommended to use the materials in construction projects such as low traffic road, car parking, and lightweight fill material behind retaining wall, reduces its impact on environment disposal of this hazardous harm waste material.



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How to Cite

Jarushi, fauzi, & Talibullah, A. (2024). Evaluating Geotechnical Engineering Properties of Sandy soil using Granulate Waste Tires . International Journal of Engineering Research, 3(2), 23–33. Retrieved from http://journal.su.edu.ly/index.php/ijer/article/view/2969