Elliptic Aperture Coaxial Sensor


  • Mabrouka Haiba A. Ehtaiba Faculty of Engineering, Sirte University, Libya


Elliptic aperture coaxial sensor, A two-layer dielectric medium, Reflection coefficient


Flat open-ended coaxial sensors are increasingly popular for numerous measurement techniques, as a non-destructive method, due to the increased sensitivity and contrast obtained at microwave frequencies. The flat aperture of the sensor limits the practical application of such a method, particularly in diagnosis. In this paper, an elliptic aperture coaxial sensor with small dimensions is introduced and numerically analysed.

Using finite element method, the radiation from the elliptical aperture into a two-layer dielectric medium is examined. Explicit contrast of reflection coefficient in both magnitude and phase, and high sensing depth are obtained with such a sensor aperture at low microwave frequencies of 0.1, 0.3, 1, and 3 GHz.


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How to Cite

Haiba A. Ehtaiba, M. (2023). Elliptic Aperture Coaxial Sensor. International Journal of Engineering Research, 2(1), 46–56. Retrieved from http://journal.su.edu.ly/index.php/ijer/article/view/1295


