Basis of civil liability for birth disability


  • Dr. Abdel Rahim Mohamed Mahgub Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law , University of Sirte. Libya



Birth with disability, wrongful liability, objective liability, comparative jurisprude


 The topic deals with the issue of searching for a legal basis for the establishment of civil liability for the birth of a child with a disability. Is the establishment of this liability limited to the traditional basis based on the error that must be proven, and here liability is established by the availability of all its elements of error, damage, and causal relationship, or can liability be based on an objective basis, which is the damage that occurred, i.e. can the mere fact of the birth of a child with a disability be considered damage that requires compensation without the need to prove an error on the part of any person? Therefore, the Libyan legislator must intervene and regulate this liability with decisive texts.


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How to Cite

Mahgub, D. A. R. M. (2024). Basis of civil liability for birth disability. مجلة أبحاث قانونية, 11(2), 77–92.