العدالة التوزيعية وتأثيرها على الكفاءات المتميزة من أعضاء هيئة التدريس الجامعي دراسة ميدانية في الجامعات الخاصة الليبية - بمدينة طرابلس
Distributive justice, Competencies of Faculty Members, Private universityAbstract
Organizational justice, Especially distribution Justice, Contributes to the creation and Retention of innovative and Distinct Human Resources. The aim of the study was to Identify the nature and Level of Fairness of the organizational Distribution in Private Libyan Universities, the nature and Level of Distinguished Competencies of University Faculty Members, and the extent to which the fairness of Organizational Distribution Affects the distinguished Competencies of Faculty Members. The study Chose some Private Universities in the city of Tripoli as a Field for Application.
The study was Developed through a descriptive Analytical Approach to answer its Questions and Test its Hypothesis. The sample of the study was in the faculty Members (Habitant and Cooperative) in Private Universities in the city of Tripoli. Following the random Sampling Method, the sample Number Reached (135) Members in Various Disciplines and Scientific Sections. In Light of the analysis of the data and the systematic Treatment of the problem and the hypothesis of the study, a number of Results have been Reached. The most important of these are the low Level of Organizational Distributive Justice in the private Universities Studied, the level of Distinguished Competencies of University Faculty is good, (88%), and the interpretation Factor (R2) indicated that Organizational Distributive Justice Explains its Proportion (77%) of the variation in the level of Distinguished Competencies of University Faculty Members, Indicating that Distributive Justice in its Combined Dimensions affects the level of Distinguished Competencies of Members Set up University Teaching.
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