The United States strategy on terrorism and its impact on Arab relations after the events of September 11, 2001-2016 (Iraq case study)


  • علي عمر علي الورفلي
  • خالد إبراهيم أبورقيقة



The United States of America was able to pursue what is called terrorism after striking its sovereign economic and security forces at its home, by entering Afghanistan in 2001 AD, and the subsequent destruction and killing of Afghan civilians, and in 2002 it moved after the invasion of Afghanistan and imposed its hegemony on the world. Under the slogan of fighting what is called terrorism, starting with the Arab and Islamic world, and this is the reason that caused it to invade Iraq, topple the regime and occupy it in the context of multiple pretexts such as its possession of weapons of mass destruction, and its relations with terrorist organizations in the so-called Al-Qaeda organization, which later revealed what are nothing but baseless excuses, Rather, it was a prelude to what is beyond it from US strategic interests in the Arab region, at the forefront of which is control over the sources of Iraqi oil, as well as possessing fertile ground in the Middle East through which it can establish an intelligence network that enables it to collect information in a wider and more accurate way of what is happening in terms of clashes and events. New in that area.

The study dealt with a problem centered around, what is President Barack Obama's strategy towards combating terrorism in general and ISIS in particular, and to what extent did his administration in combating terrorism differ from the administration of former President George Bush Jr.? The study focused on the importance of clarifying the basic lines of a strategy With regard to his fight against terrorism, Obama adopted a strategy to weaken and destroy ISIS, as he declared his readiness to use military force in Iraq to eliminate ISIS in cooperation and the international and regional alliance. The study dealt with four main axes, where the first axis dealt with the strategy of the United States of America towards combating terrorism, As for the second axis, it was about the repercussions of the American war on Iraq and Afghanistan in the Persian Gulf, while the third axis dealt with the impact of the war on terrorism on the global economy, while the fourth and last axis dealt with the US policy towards ISIS, also dealing with Obama’s principle, and the study concluded with a set of results. The most important of them is that President Obama entered the war in Iraq to eliminate ISIS in light of an international coalition that included a large number of Arab countries and others, and the study also confirmed that the United States of America took advantage of the events of September 11 and the war against terrorism to achieve a dual goal, which is controlling Afghanistan and extending its control. On the one hand, on the Central Asia region, And ending the existence of the hostile Iraqi regime, on the other hand, is also one of the most important findings of the study is that the success of the Arab Spring revolutions in overthrowing authoritarian regimes that were loyal and obedient to the policies of the West and the United States of America became the latter politically confused and unable to understand what is going on in the region, neither its intelligence reports It has become accurate, its sources are not reliable, nor are their advisers fully aware of what is really going on on the ground.


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How to Cite

الورفلي ع. ع. ع., & أبورقيقة خ. إ. (2021). The United States strategy on terrorism and its impact on Arab relations after the events of September 11, 2001-2016 (Iraq case study). Economic Studies Journal, 4(1), 68–44.