أثر رأس المال النفسي على تعزيز السلوك الابداعي للعاملين دراسة ميدانية على الموظفين الاداريين العاملين بشركات الاتصالات الليبية العاملة بمدينة بنغازي
psychological capital, creative behavior, telecommunications companiesAbstract
The study aimed to identify the impact of psychological capital on enhancing the creative behavior of workers in telecommunications companies operating in the city of Benghazi through the opinions of its administrative staff The researcher designed a questionnaire that included (35) items to collect primary data from the study sample, which consisted of (133). The descriptive analytical approach was used with (SPSS) in order to derive the results, the most important: There is a significant effect of psychological capital on enhancing the creative behavior and from the point of view of the administrative staff.
The most important of recommendations, Strengthening levels of psychological capital and maintaining a high positive psychology for employees by developing mechanisms to retain them and address any problems that weaken their level of optimism and always strive to provide an appropriate climate that supports the creative behaviors of employees..
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