Variation of Vegetation Cover Change in the Western Part of the Jaffara Plain Using the NDVI Greenness Index Form: 1992 through 2024
NDVI, Vegetation cover change, Satellite visuals, Remote sensing, Digital mapsAbstract
This study sought to detect and analyze the variation in vegetation cover change in the northwestern part of the Al-Jafara Plain during the period from 1992 AD to 2024 AD by employing remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems for the years 1992 - 2002 - 2013 - 2024 AD, respectively, to calculate the NDVI. It aims to the study is to clarify the change in the area of vegetation cover and to know the reasons leading to the increase in the encroachment of some types of use over others in the western Al-Jafara Plain for the period from 1992 to 2024 AD, to achieve the research objectives, we relied on the descriptive analytical method of satellite visuals to track these changes, analyze them spatially, and produce digital maps. The results of the study showed a clear deterioration in the state of vegetation cover due to economic activity and urban expansion at the expense of agricultural land, which clearly appears in areas close to the coastal strip, as well as misuse of agricultural land and lack of restriction and adherence to environmental laws and legislation, as well as a significant expansion in the area of marshes, especially with the beginning of the third decade of the second millennium.
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