Automated Cartographic Modelling of Environmental Risks in the Wadi Qattara Basin, Libya
cartographic modeling, natural and human environmental risks, geographic information systems, Wadi Al QattaraAbstract
The availability of modern spatial technologies has contributed to the possibility of conducting an environmental study of the Wadi al-Qattara Basin, by exploring and analyzing the various environmental risks that threaten the residents of the Wadi al-Qattara region, with a focus on the causes and repercussions resulting from human activities, and evaluating the environmental risks they may cause. Therefore, this research aimed to address the natural and human factors of the Wadi Qattara Basin area, which is to evaluate the spatial environmental suitability to determine the degree of risks, and determine the type of environmental risks that threaten it, by relying on the Arc Gis program (Arc Map 10.8), this study used high-resolution satellite images, satellite images of the digital elevation model of the region, as well as digital data in the OSM database, through the application of geographic information systems techniques, the creation of a geographic database for natural and human environmental risks, and automated cartographic modeling of those environmental risks, this study concluded that there are three types of risks: high-risk lands, medium-risk lands, and low-risk lands.
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