Applying the Wind Cooling Hypothesis to Measure Human Comfort in Syria


  • Rouaa Nashid Department of Geography/ College of Arts-University of Anbar/ Iraq
  • Mohammed Hammadi Department of Geography/ College of Arts-University of Anbar/ Iraq



wind cooling theory, Syria, climate, human comfort


The research aims to characterize the months and seasons of the year in the studied locations as either hot, warm, refreshingly gentle, transitioning to cold, tending to cold, or cold. It also seeks to display the spatial distribution of human comfort during the seasons and identify the general trend of these values during the study period. Furthermore, it aims to determine the relationship between the wind cooling hypothesis and its mathematical elements (temperature and wind speed) to identify the primary factor influencing these values. The research employed the inductive, descriptive, quantitative, and mathematical methods. Additionally, it utilized the explanatory and reasoning methods, and various tables, figures, and maps were created using computer programs such as SPSS, Excel, and Arc Map.

According to the wind cooling hypothesis, the summer season is generally considered pleasant in most parts of Syria, while spring and fall are cold seasons, and winter is notably cold. However, the Syrian desert and the Jazira experience the warmest temperatures throughout the year, and the Syrian coast is relatively warmer in winter. The values of this index tend to decrease over the study period, indicating an increase in pleasant or warm weather. The index values show an inverse relationship with temperature and a direct relationship with wind speed. The findings of this research are crucial for planning social, tourism, economic, or military activities, as considering them prior to an event could reduce the costs of weather adaptation during the event.


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How to Cite

Rouaa Nashid, & Mohammed Hammadi. (2025). Applying the Wind Cooling Hypothesis to Measure Human Comfort in Syria. Abhat Journal, 17(1), 81–68.