Spatial Variation of Unemployment Rates in Libya for 2022


  • Iman Abdul Hamid Department of Geography / Faculty of Arts University of Zawiya/ Libya



Unemployment, spatial disparity, labor force, demographic characteristics.


    The aim of the research is to study the issue of unemployment in Libya, represented by the development of the number of job seekers during the period (2012/2022), in addition to clarifying the most important types and causes of unemployment, with the increasing size of the unemployment problem compared to the labor force in Libya, and knowing the most important areas where unemployment rates rise and fall and trying to analyze the reasons for this disparity, while determining the importance of educational levels with the size of unemployment, and unemployment and the demographic, economic and social characteristics of the population for the year 2022 were studied. Thus, the descriptive approach was determined in describing the size of unemployment and explaining its causes, and the comparative approach, in order to compare between the two versions of the phenomenon in Libya and the analytical approach for statistical data and information related to the percentages of its rates in the country, which is a report issued by the Ministry of Planning, the Statistics and Census Authority, and the results of the study showed that unemployment in Libya decreased in 2022 with an unemployment rate of 15% compared to 2012 with a rate of 19% among the labor force, and was mainly concentrated in job seekers for the first time, with high unemployment rates among the youth category (25-34), who are the most During the waiting period for job opportunities, it was high in all periods, higher among females than among males, and thus it is necessary to reach the right ways to find radical solutions to the unemployment problem, and provide suitable job opportunities for the unemployed, each according to his specialty.


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How to Cite

Iman Abdul Hamid. (2024). Spatial Variation of Unemployment Rates in Libya for 2022. Abhat Journal, 16(2), 48–35.