The French Newspapers and the Libyan Question During the Italian Occupation 1911-1918


  • Abdel Nasser Ashtiewi Department of History and Archeology Faculty of Arts/ Sirte University/ Liby



colonization, independence, libya, presses, liberation, France, Italy


This study, entitled French Newspapers and the Libyan Cause at the Time of the Italian Occupation of 1911-1918, aims to learn about the role of newspapers especially in France to defend the cause of colonial peoples, or vice versa, from their governments. We introduced the Libyan events from the Libyan-Italian War to the First World War. In the first axis, we studied the events of the Libyan-Italian war and what the French newspapers reported about this hateful colonialism towards Libya and the Libyans, through a variety of French newspapers during that period. As for the second axis of this study, was studied and what Libya suffered as a result of this hateful occupation until the end of the events of World War I, all of that through the French press during that period.  This was through a variety of French newspapers at that time


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How to Cite

Abdel Nasser Ashtiewi. (2024). The French Newspapers and the Libyan Question During the Italian Occupation 1911-1918. Abhat Journal, 16(2), 34–24.