The Reality of The Classroom Teaching Practices for Female- Teachers of First three Classes of Primary Education Stage in Privet Sirte Town Schools
Classroom Teaching Practices, Female- teachers, First three classes, Primary Education Stage, Privet Schools.Abstract
The main objective of this study was to investigate the classroom teaching practices for female- teachers of first three classes of primary education stage enrolled in Privet Siret town schools. The study's respondents consisted of fifty (N=50) female- teachers, were chosen by randomly simple way.
In order to meet the objectives of this study, questionnaire was developed which consisted of (19) items, to measure classroom practices. The results reached there is (12) high-level teaching practices, and (7) mid-level teaching practices. In addition, the results showed there is no harmony between the level of teaching practices and the educational standard acceptable (80%).
In light of the study’s results, the researcher recommends increased attention to teaching practices for female- teachers. It is also recommended that future researchers implement similar investigative on the classroom teaching practices for classroom teachers in another Libyan privet schools.
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