Modernization and Modernity in Peripheral Countries
modernization, modernity, change, development, peripheral states.Abstract
This study deals with one of the most important issues that preoccupied the Arab thinker over the past decades, as it has become a cornerstone in studies related to the nature of systems and works to bring about fundamental changes in its environment and targets its various political, economic, social and ideological aspects on the one hand, and between the members of society themselves on the other hand in order to transform societies from societies traditional to advanced societies. Therefore, there were many starting points that tried to define a comprehensive concept of modernization and modernity in the peripheral countries and linking it to the development process until they were walking in two parallel lines for more than a quarter of a century in many parts of the world, and other concepts such as the concept of change, progress, and the concept of development were mixed within it, and it was not spared from overlapping These concepts, especially the concept of modernization and modernity, are only a few of the academic elites through their belief that modernization is modernity.
From here, a basic problem was raised centered around "what is meant by modernity and modernity in the peripheral countries that they desire and want, and what is the nature of the changes that this phenomenon brings about in their formation? And have their peoples and elites entered their stage? In order to shed light on this phenomenon as it exposes the foundations from which the existing regimes in The peripheral states have their legitimacy, which may be undermined due to these changes brought about by modernity, and thus lose their legitimacy.
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