Green Training as an Approach to Enhance the Dimensions of Environmental Citizenship From the Point of View of the Administrative Staff in the Arabian Gulf Oil Company


  • Dr. Hend Khalefa Elsweae Department of Business Management Faculty of Economics/ University of Benghazi / Libya



Green training, environmental citizenship, Gulf Company


The study aimed to identify the impact of green traning on enhancing the environmental citizenship in the Arabian Gulf  Oil Company   through the   of the opinions of its administrative staff. The researcher designed a questionnaire to collect primary data from the study sample, which consisted of (107) form. The descriptive analytical approach was used with (SPSS) in order to derive the results, the most important. There is a significant effect of green training on enhancing the environmental citizenship and from the point of view of the administrative staff, The results indicated that the overall level  of both  green training & environmental citizenship were high. Finally, the most important of recommendations developing and updating training programs in accordance with environmental values and objectives, which will be reflected in increasing environmental awareness of the environment and developing attitudes, behaviors, knowledge and skills for employees to deal with the environment.


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How to Cite

Dr. Hend Khalefa Elsweae. (2023). Green Training as an Approach to Enhance the Dimensions of Environmental Citizenship From the Point of View of the Administrative Staff in the Arabian Gulf Oil Company. Abhat Journal, 15(2), 68–55.