Social Centers and their Role in Supporting and Empowering Libyan Women and Achieving Sustainable Development (Vision for the future)


  • Fareehah Aboubakr Abouamoud كلية الآداب والعلوم جامعة سرت/ ليبيا
  • Amal Muhammad Amer كلية الآداب/جامعة مصراتة/ ليبيا



Social Centers, Support, Empowerment, Sustainable Development


supporting and empowering women in Libyan society, consolidating their human rights, and spreading the legal culture, especially with regard to women’s rights. Providing support by developing women’s skills and training. To achieve this goal, the study presented and analyzed some models of social centers and women’s associations within the local community in the city of Misrata, arriving at a proposed vision for increasing and activating social centers to support and empower women, through a number of points


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How to Cite

Fareehah Aboubakr Abouamoud, & Amal Muhammad Amer. (2023). Social Centers and their Role in Supporting and Empowering Libyan Women and Achieving Sustainable Development (Vision for the future). مجلة جامعة سرت للعلوم الانسانية, 13(2), 311–305.