The Social and Economic Factors of Illegal Immigration: A field Study From the Viewpoint of Faculty Members at the Faculty of Arts, Sirte University, Libya


  • Dr. Rahmat Alhawsayn Alshaybani Department of Sociology/ Faculty of Arts Sirte University/ Libya



illegal immigration, social factors, economic factors


This study focuses on answering the main question: What are the most important social and economic factors driving illegal immigration? It aims to know and analyze these factors from the viewpoint of faculty members at the Faculty of Arts, Sirte University, Libya.

       Data was collected through a questionnaire prepared by the researcher for this purpose. The study relied on a comprehensive survey of all faculty members at the Faculty of Arts, Sirte University, Libya. Distributing the questionnaires to the total number (111) single.

      The researcher was able to retrieve (94) completed questionnaires, which is the special issue for statistical analysis, and the study concluded that: social and economic factors have an effective role in illegal immigration, albeit in different proportions, and comes at the forefront of social factors is the weakness of religious faith at a rate of (88.3%) At the forefront of the economic factors was the cost of living (96.8%).


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How to Cite

Dr. Rahmat Alhawsayn Alshaybani. (2023). The Social and Economic Factors of Illegal Immigration: A field Study From the Viewpoint of Faculty Members at the Faculty of Arts, Sirte University, Libya. Abhat Journal, 15(2), 141–131.