The Bet of the Subject and the Significance of the Prosody Rhythm in the Arabic Poetry of Pandemic


  • عبد العزيز الطالبي Mohammed V University/Rabat/ Morocco



      This research paper based on problematic of the topical bet nature, and prosody rhythm indication in Arabic poetry which related with the pandemic concept; where it aimed to study this problematic through some diverticula models from this poetry. And for all that this research paper relied on a method collects between thematic and analytical approach. In finally this research paper concluded to important results and suggestions it can specified in these points:

- The important of pandemic concept in poetry Arabic study.

- The Arabic pandemic poetry is based on a general topical bet relate to death, yard, surrender, and challenge components, and others things.

- The role of prosody rhythm in building Arabic pandemic poetry indications.

- Necessity of alert to Arabic pandemic poetry, and making it one from Arabic poetry topics.


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How to Cite

عبد العزيز الطالبي. (2023). The Bet of the Subject and the Significance of the Prosody Rhythm in the Arabic Poetry of Pandemic. Abhat Journal, 15(1), 10–01.