Trend Analysis of Rainfall in Ziz Basin in Southeastern of Morocco, for Period (1960-2019)


  • Abdelilah ABDELLAOUI PhD in Geography, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Sais, University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah, Fez, Morocco
  • Abdessamad KHOUYA PhD in Geography, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Sais, University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah, Fez, Morocco
  • Mustapha AAFIR Research Professor, Faculty of Languages, Arts and Humanities Ait Melloul, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir. Morocco



Ziz Basin, Oasis, Rainfall, Trend Analysis, Mann-Kendall test, Moving Averages


This research aims to Identify the trends of fluctuation in the annual precipitation rates, whether upwards or downwards, and to know the values of their deviations from the general trend line for a period of 60 years (1960 – 2019), using a set of indicators; Including moving averages (10 years linear regression equation (the least squares), then Mann and Kendall test.

The results showed that all stations plotted two directions after using all indicators; The first towards a slight increase, and it is linked to the stations located in the upper basin of the Ziz ; Including the stations (Fom Teleshet with +0.03, Mzizel with +0.16, then Errachidia station with +0.017), while the rest of the stations in the basin recorded a trend towards decreasing .

It turned out that rainfall trends cannot be relied upon to establish irrigated agricultural projects in the basin, except after finding alternative water sources, such as building large dams to store water in rainy years.


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How to Cite

Abdelilah ABDELLAOUI, Abdessamad KHOUYA, & Mustapha AAFIR. (2023). Trend Analysis of Rainfall in Ziz Basin in Southeastern of Morocco, for Period (1960-2019) . Libya Journal of Geographical Studies, (4), 92–73.