The Geographical analysis of the scope of health services in the municipality of Zliten


  • Dr. Ali Mohammed Alteer Department of Geography / Faculty of Arts / ALasmarya Islamic University
  • Dr. Asma Mohammed Ashaky Department of Geography / Faculty of Arts / ALasmarya Islamic University



Scope Services, accessibility, efficiency, accommodation services, residential healthcare services, urban centers


The aim of this study is to track the scope of healthcare services in the municipality of Zliten in 2021 for both the public sectors, financed by the ministry of health and private sectors, financed accordingly,. The latter has been witnessing an evidently prosperous phase in terms of investing in health services in both curative as well as accommodating levels which in turn contributed significantly in distributing these services within the instructional centres in the municipality; hence, decreasing the influence of some health services located within the restrictions of the urban centre of the municipality of Zliten.

The study aims to track the scope of health services within the municipality, to find out how responsive they are to the population’s needs of different levels.

The field study method was adopted for the purpose of collecting the required data by interviewing and questioning patients who frequent Health care facilities.

The study reached several results, the most important of which are: the scope of public health services expands in the accommodation services provided by the Zliten General Medical Center due to the high cost of accommodation services in private clinics and hospitals. Whereas scope of other public sector health services decreases as a result of their wide spread in all urban centers within the municipality.

Furthermore, there are expansion of scope of some types and levels of private health services, such as residential clinics, Computed Tomography (CT), and Reference Laboratories, settled within the municipality. In contrast there is decreasing in the scope of curative clinics and commercial pharmacies, as a result of the widening pattern of their distributions in all urban centers within the municipality.


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How to Cite

Dr. Ali Mohammed Alteer, & Dr. Asma Mohammed Ashaky. (2023). The Geographical analysis of the scope of health services in the municipality of Zliten . Libya Journal of Geographical Studies, (2), 290–265.