Identifying Optimal Sites for Establishing a Solar Power Collection Station in the Northwestern Region of Libya Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Solar Energy, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Digital Elevation Model, Northwestern Region of LibyaAbstract
This paper aims to identify the best locations for establishing a solar power collection station in the northwestern region of Libya using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Solar energy is considered one of the most important renewable energy sources, and in order to harness this source effectively, it is imperative to collect and store solar energy for the purpose of using it as an alternative energy source through various types of solar power collectors. The study has relied upon a methodology of multiple criteria to achieve desired outcomes, which is based on the availability of a set of spatial criteria or conditions within a specific region. These criteria are processed and analyzed using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and the results are presented in the form of high-resolution digital maps. Through GIS, it is possible to assign weights to each layer according to specific criteria defined by the researcher. The study has revealed that using GIS allows for the division of the study area into several zones based on their suitability for establishing solar power stations. This enables the identification of unsuitable areas, highly suitable areas, and alternative moderate importance zones for solar power station construction. Ultimately, the production of a digital map of the study area facilitates the determination of optimal areas for solar power station installation. The study has recommended a set of suggestions, among which the promotion of solar energy as a source of electricity stands out due to its numerous advantages such as being a clean and cost-effective energy source. Additionally, solar energy is a renewable source that is inexhaustible.
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