المشكلات الاجتماعية والنفسية والصحية للمعاقين حركياً دراسة ميدانية على عينة من المعاقين حركياً بصندوق التضامن الاجتماعي بمدينة سرت
social problems, psychological problems and health problems, the disabled, mobility impairmentAbstract
This study aims to identify the nature of the problems faced by the physically disabled, whether they are social, psychological or health, as well as to identify the type of movement disability, whether it is paralysis, epilepsy or multiple disabilities, and to try to reach some recommendations that contribute to addressing these problems among the disabled category. Dynamically, this study used the sample social survey method and relied on the questionnaire tool. The sample size reached (50) individuals, and it was withdrawn by the method of a stratified random sampling method.
The disabled suffer from psychological problems, including feelings of sadness and despair, and that their families do not care about them when presenting their problems, and do not aspire to form a family in the future, and some respondents do not find it difficult to be independent from others, and the study also found that society accepts the disabled and does not reduce their social value Finally, the study concluded that there are health problems, including the lack of the necessary equipment and supplies for the disabled in the city, the lack of rehabilitation and training centers, and the lack of sports activities for the disabled.
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