Organizational agility among the leadership of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Misurata, and its relationship to institutional performance


  • Khalid Ayad Al-Ashlem Faculty of Education/ University of Misurata/ Libya



organizational agility, institutional performance, Faculty of Arts at Misurata University


agility and institutional performance, and to know the level of achievement of this modern type as a kind of distinguished and smooth administrative practices within the Faculty of Arts at Misurata University at the level of its leadership in a four-dimensional model, and to determine the type of relationship between it on the one hand and between Institutional performance on the other hand, in addition to determining whether there are statistically significant differences at that level attributable to the gender variables: (male, female) in the researched category, which is the permanent faculty members of the college, and the academic qualification: (Master’s, PhD), and the title. Career: (Head of a scientific department, a faculty member only) during the spring semester 2022 AD, where the research community represented all (175) faculty members in the concerned college, according to the faculty affairs office, and to achieve the objectives of the research, the descriptive approach was used, and a questionnaire consisting of (28) items that include the dimensions of organizational agility, as well as items related to the affiliated field, which is institutional performance. It has benefited from (35) questionnaire papers when analyzing, and the analysis and processing of data was using the statistical program (SPSS.23).



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How to Cite

Khalid Ayad Al-Ashlem. (2023). Organizational agility among the leadership of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Misurata, and its relationship to institutional performance . مجلة جامعة سرت للعلوم الانسانية, 13(2), 383–269.