Effects of detention experience on Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli prisons in Tulkarm Governorate and the role of social service in confronting it Author


  • Nathmieh Fakhry Khalel Hejazi Philosophy in social work, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine




social work, Archaeology, released prisoners


The study aimed to identify the psychological, social, economic, and physical effects and national values ​​resulting from the arrest of the released prisoners, and their relationship to some demographic variables (marital status, age, place of residence, educational qualification, years of detention), And to reach a proposed conception from a social service perspective to mitigate these effects on the released prisoner. The study sample consisted of (100) released prisoners. They were chosen by the intentional, non-probability method, and the researcher prepared the questionnaire tool, and the results of the study showed that the total degree of the effects of detention on the released prisoners was large, as the total percentage of the average responses of the respondents on all paragraphs for all fields was (73.1%). One of the most important recommendations of the study was the necessity of working and coordinating between the institutions that deal with the affairs of prisoners and the released in order to improve their economic situation, which will have a positive impact on them and their families. Providing periodic and continuous guidance and rehabilitation programs supervised by a team of specialists in various fields)


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How to Cite

Nathmieh Fakhry Khalel Hejazi. (2022). Effects of detention experience on Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli prisons in Tulkarm Governorate and the role of social service in confronting it Author. مجلة جامعة سرت للعلوم الانسانية, 12(2), 237–225. https://doi.org/10.37375/sujh.v12i2.203