Rhetoric and aesthetic composition in Andrei Tarkovsky's "le sacrifice" An analytical descriptive reading of the first scene
An aesthetic semiotic, approach - a cinematic, image - an iconic sign, a linguistic sign.Abstract
In the lines of this article, we present to the Arab reader a semiotic-aesthetic approach to some of the cinematic picture frames in the first scene of the film “Le sacrifice” by the late Soviet director Andrei Tarkovsky, without neglecting our use of cinematic descriptive language. In it, we confine ourselves to the most important elements of composition within the framework and its semiotic and aesthetic manifestations to produce the meaning according to an indicative process, knowing that it varies between the visual sign with its two parts, the iconic and the plastic, the linguistic sign especially pronounced and the accompanying and influential rhythmic sign. These structural parts combine and interact to harmonize, forming a harmonious field, from which a cinematic, poetic image is produced visually and audioly
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