Evaluating the phenomenon of transferring current accounts from one bank to another in Libyan commercial banks (Case Study - Al Wahda Bank / Sirte University Branch)


  • Ali Muftah Eltaeb Faculty of Economics, University of Sirte, Libya
  • Ibrahiem Mohammed A Faculty of Economics, University of Sirte, Libya
  • Mustafa Mohamed Wanis Higher Institute of Science and Technology – Al Khums- Libya




the current account, the phenomenon of transferring current accounts


The main objective of this study is to evaluate the phenomenon of transferring current accounts from one commercial bank to another by identifying the most important reasons behind changing or transferring current accounts from the bank under study (Al Wahda Bank, Sirte University branch) to other banks. Relying on the descriptive approach, in addition to using the method of analyzing and classifying the content of the primary data obtained, which was by conducting personal interviews and by using the purposive sample method with the sample members which are the clients of the bank under study and who have already changed or transferred their current account from this bank and their number was 17 clients. Through the collected answers, the study concluded with several results, the most important of which was that the lack of liquidity, as well as the high commission costs of the services provided by the bank compared to other banks, as well as the poor level of services provided in general, were all of the main reasons that led to the emergence of the phenomenon of transferring current accounts from the bank under study to Other commercial banks.


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How to Cite

Ali Muftah Eltaeb, Ibrahiem Mohammed A, & Mustafa Mohamed Wanis. (2023). Evaluating the phenomenon of transferring current accounts from one bank to another in Libyan commercial banks (Case Study - Al Wahda Bank / Sirte University Branch). مجلة جامعة سرت للعلوم الانسانية, 13(1), 186–174. https://doi.org/10.37375/sujh.v13i1.1376