Local audio media and its role in spreading awareness of electoral entitlements “Sirte Local Radio is an example”


  • الفيتوري صالح السطي جامعة سرت، كلية الاقتصاد، قسم العلوم السياسية، سرت ، ليبيا




local media, political participation, electoral elections, Sirte Local Radio, Libya


The media is described as the fourth estate. No elections are held or any political process takes place, and no issue of concern to public opinion is raised unless the media has a prominent role in it through clarification, disclosure, rationalization and publicity. Local radio is part of it and serves a limited community and forms a homogeneous social environment. Local media has a greater influence than Change the local community; Due to the local method used to deliver information, the targets are members of the local community.

The study attempts to measure the content of the media material broadcast by the local Sirte Radio during the year 2021, in preparation for the implementation of the electoral elections (presidential and parliamentary), and the results of the analysis showed that the amount of political material was small and did not exceed 5% of the total media material, 21% of which was presented in terms of purpose, While 12% in terms of content, most of it was delivered in classical Arabic, in a low voice, and with music accompanying the media material overshadowing the announcer’s voice, The media topics presented are also characterized by generality and superficiality and do not achieve what the citizen aspires to. The media material that the Commission sends to inform the citizen of the steps that he is supposed to follow to participate in the entitlements is ineffective, insufficient, and does not equal the importance of the event for which it was published, in a society new to the electoral process, Local and international reports confirm citizens’ reluctance to participate in the entire political process, and the live programs conducted by the radio lack the participation of specialists in interviews and seminars. Some other institutions contribute to advancing the political process by conducting seminars and workshops, but in contrast there is neglect and lack of follow-up from the local media.

There are many financial and technical obstacles that hinder Sirte Local Radio, which prevent it from doing its work well, the most important of which are: the consequences of institutional division, the change in the radio’s administrative dependency, and the lack of support from governments and the municipal council.


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How to Cite

السطي ا. ص. (2024). Local audio media and its role in spreading awareness of electoral entitlements “Sirte Local Radio is an example”. Economic Studies Journal, 7(1), 395–380. https://doi.org/10.37375/esj.v7i1.2718