The impact of adopting (IFRS) standards on disclosing integrated reporting information and its reflection on accounting conservatism: An applied study on a sample of Iraqi banks


  • Ali Ibrahim Hussein أستاذ دكتور، قسم المحاسبة، كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد، جامعة تكريت، تكريت، العراق
  • Saddam Mohammed Mahmood أستاذ دكتور، قسم المحاسبة، كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد، جامعة تكريت، تكريت، العراق
  • Mohammed Mustafa Ahmed مدرس دكتور في جامعة الكتاب، ومدير ديوان الرقابة المالية/كردستان، أربيل، العراق



Expanding accounting disclosure, Integrated reports, (IFRS), Accounting conservatism


The research aims to demonstrate the extent of the impact of adopting (IFRS) standards in the trend towards disclosing information of integrated business reports and its reflection on the levels of unconditional accounting conservatism that is in the environment of Iraqi banks. The researchers relied on the method of analyzing the informational content to measure the research variables and capture the information of integrated business reports. In a sample of 10 Iraqi banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange, for a period of ten years from 2011-2020. The research focused on eliciting the resulting relationships between global trends to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards and expand disclosure of integrated information about sustainability, governance and management perspective as well as financial reports and the response of the Iraqi environment to these trends, and its reflection in the levels of unconditional accounting conservatism (previously). The research concluded that the adoption of (IFRS) standards was accompanied by a rise in the levels of disclosure of integrated reporting information, and this led to strengthening the levels of accounting conservatism in Iraqi banks.


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How to Cite

Hussein, A. I., Mahmood, S. M., & Ahmed, M. M. (2024). The impact of adopting (IFRS) standards on disclosing integrated reporting information and its reflection on accounting conservatism: An applied study on a sample of Iraqi banks. Economic Studies Journal, 7(1), 379–359.