The impact of organizational culture dimensions on intellectual capital (An applied study on a sample of faculty members in the faculties of economics at the University of Tripoli – Libya)


  • Abdulhamed Mohamed Weshwesh Faculty of Economics and Management / University of Tripoli / Libya
  • Fatima Salem Mairwan Faculty of Economics and Management / University of Tripoli / Libya



Organizational culture dimensions, intellectual capital, Creativity culture, Culture and talent management


The aim of this study is to identify the impact of the organizational culture dimensions on intellectual capital through a study on a sample of 115 individuals of faculty members in economics' faculties at the University of Tripoli – Libya namely: the faculty of economics and management, and the faculty of economics and political sciences. This study was addressing the following question: does the prevailing organizational culture at the University of Tripoli support the adapted concept of intellectual capital? Based on the objectives and problem of the study, the study relied on a main hypothesis that stated : "There is a statistically significant effect between the dimensions of organizational culture and intellectual capital in the economic colleges at the University of Tripoli, Libya", Six sub-hypotheses were derived from it to test the impact of the six dimensions of organizational culture, which are: (the professional characteristics, the organizational leadership, the employee management, the organizational cohesion, the strategic focus, and the success criterion). The study reached ten results, the most important one was Acceptance of all of the six sub-hypotheses with an average effect of (32.88%) on intellectual capital in the faculties of economics at the University of Tripoli/Libya; and the average complementary percentage of the impact of the six organizational culture dimensions on intellectual capital was (67. 12%).The study recommended the necessary need to conduct subsequent studies to recognize the prevailing organizational culture at the University of Tripoli to identify the cultural gap, and to search for possible ways and means of preparation, change, development and moving towards a culture of creativity, to support the intellectual capital. Also to test the study methods and approaches in Libyan universities to reach results and recommendations that can be generalized and take the most advantage of it at the level of higher education institutions in Libya


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How to Cite

Weshwesh, A. . M., & Mairwan, F. S. (2024). The impact of organizational culture dimensions on intellectual capital (An applied study on a sample of faculty members in the faculties of economics at the University of Tripoli – Libya). Economic Studies Journal, 7(1), 302–287.