The development of economic growth and external balance indicators in the Libyan economy: and the nature of the relationship between them during the period 1986-2017
external balance, gross product, exports, imports, Time series, econometricsAbstract
The aim of the study is to highlight the development of economic growth reflected in the GDP and the external balance indictors of Libya’s exports and imports over the period 1986-2017. In addition, it identifies and analyzes the relationship between the external balance indicators and the development of economic growth in Libya.
The issue of the study deals with assessing the essence of the relationship between the developments in GDP and external balance indicators, and the relationship between the variables of the study. The study relied on international and official data. Descriptive and quantitative statistical methods were also used in the analysis to estimate the economic indicators and relationships of the study subject.
Both Descriptive and empirical methods were used, where a model ( ARDL) was used to quantify and evaluate the relationship between external balance indicators and economic development.. The study concludes that, as shown by the estimates of the integration relationship, there is a long-term relationship between the study variables. The findings have also shown that exports are significant, indicating that they have a positive impact on GDP at constant prices. One of the most important recommendation of the study is diversifying and increasing exports of goods and services that have a positive impact on the rate of economic growth that represented in the GDP.
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