أثر استخدام الاستراتيجيات الدولية التنافسية على تنمية الصادرات الليبية دراسة ميدانية بالتطبيق على مركز تنمية الصادرات الليبية.
الاستراتيجيات الدولية التنافسية, الصادرات الليبية, مركز تنمية الصادرات الليبيةAbstract
The study aims at establishing the correlation between the international competitive marketing strategies and the management and development of exports to penetrate the international markets. The problem of the study lies on the answer to the problem of international marketing strategies and its basic dimensions which contributes to enhancing and improving the management and development of exports in the company.
Regarding the main question: “What is the impact of the use of international competitive strategies on the development of Libyan exports?”, the descriptive analytical method was used due to the suitability of this approach to the subject of the study, where the sample size of the study (100) (80) participants. Some statistical descriptive statistics were used as the "Cronbach Alpha", as well as the indicative statistics to verify the study hypotheses. The results obtained from the study are:
- There is a significant statistical effect of international marketing strategies on the elements of export management and development.
- .There is a significant statistical significance of the elements of international marketing strategies (each individually) on the management and development of exports.
- The study concluded that the dimensions of international marketing strategies are responsible for the interpretation of changes that occur in the management and development of Libyan exports as follows:
- . - The differentiation strategy is responsible for interpreting (27.8%)
- The cost leadership strategy is responsible for the interpretation of (6.3%)
- Concentration strategy responsible for an explanation of (29.5%)
- Customer orientation strategy responsible for interpreting (47.2%)
- Awareness of the senior management of international marketing strategies is responsible for interpreting (74.1%) of changes in the management and development of Libyan exports.
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