أثر الخصائص الديموغرافية في الرضا الوظيفي وأداء العاملين


  • خالد مسعود الباروني كلية الاقتصاد / جامعة طرابلس




Demographic aspects, Performances of employees


This study aimed at investigating the effect of the demographic aspects upon job satisfactions and performances of employees in customs authority in Libya, understanding the elements that impact job satisfactions and performances of employees and in a case study from Libya’ customs sector. This study identified the strong relationship and effect between job satisfactions and performances of employees. This study adopted the descriptive analytical methodology, and study’ sample were targeted sample which is all employees of the in customs authority in Libya (121 units). The total of questioners distributed and analyzed were (81) questioners. Questioners used as a main data collection tool for this study, and data gathered were analyzed using SPSS package to approve or disapprove study’ hypotheses. The study’ hypotheses were: 1) There is a significant differences in employees' visions towards job satisfactions and performances caused by demographic aspects differences among them, 2) there is a significant relationship between demographic aspects differences and job satisfactions and performances of employees in the case study authority, and 3) there is a significant relationship between job satisfactions and performances of employees in the case study authority in Libya. This study results that: 1) There is strong relationship and effect between job satisfactions and performances of employees, 2) there is significant differences in employees' visions regarding performances of employees caused by experience at work, 3) there is significant relationship between employees' experience at work and performances of employees, 4) there is significant relationship between employees' experience at work and employees' job satisfactions, and, 5) there is significant differences in employees' visions regarding employees' job satisfactions caused by experience at work. Recommendations for developing better understanding of study’ factors were given as outcomes of this study.


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How to Cite

الباروني خ. م. (2018). أثر الخصائص الديموغرافية في الرضا الوظيفي وأداء العاملين. Economic Studies Journal, 1(3), 226–199. https://doi.org/10.37375/esj.v1i3.2123