The Relationship between Electronic Marketing and Profitability of Libyan Banks


  • . Sabri Elkrghli Department of Marketing Faculty of Economics University of Benghazi



Electronic Marketing, Profitability, Wahda Bank, Libya


This study aimed at identifying the link between E-marketing and profitability of Wahda Bank as one of Libyan banks in Benghazi City, where the study targeted decision-makers of the bank and their nominees.

In order to collect a reliable data, a questionnaire instrument was designed and validated by a pool of academics and bankers, and then distributed to the targeted population, where (165) forms were collected, of which (154) were valid for analysis phase.

Statistical Packages of Social Sciences (SPSS) was used. A number of statistical techniques such as Mean, Standard Deviation, Normal Distribution Tests, T-test for one sample, Kruskal Wallis Test, and one-way Analysis of Variance test were used. The reliability of the questionnaire was also validated and confirmed by Cronbach's Alpha.

One of the most important results of the study is that the level of E-marketing at Wahda Bank exceeds the mean score. The results of the study also demonstrated that Wahda Bank raised its performance and profitability through the adoption of E-Marketing. 

This study can be described of great value as it provides new knowledge for theoretical and practical considerations. Academics and practitioners should benefit from its results and conclusions. The study concludes with its limitations and puts forward new avenues.


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How to Cite

Elkrghli, . S. (2020). The Relationship between Electronic Marketing and Profitability of Libyan Banks. Economic Studies Journal, 3(4), 193–213.