المعوقات السياسية للتكامل الاقتصادي الأفريقي دراسة في تأثير الحروب الأهلية على التكامل في منطقة الكوميسا


  • محمد هدية درياق عضو هيئة تدريس/ بقسم العلوم السياسية جامعة سرت


المعوقات السياسية, الحروب الأهلية


Civil conflicts are a major challenge to the economic development of a country. Although it is an intrastate dispute, a civil conflict also has an impact on neighbouring countries. It can be a source of regional destabilization that consequently impedes regional economic growth.

Our findings document that civil conflicts affect the economic fate of regional economic communities mostly through their negative impact on regional integration in terms of business cycle synchronicity, with their effect on regional trade intensity being more nuanced. By assessing the effects of conflicts on regional economic integration processes, this study highlights that intrastate political events are also major regional constraints hampering the performances of African Regional Economic Communities (RECs)such as COMESA . We therefore find an additional reason to recommend that prevention and resolution of civil conflicts might be put at the top of the political agenda of African RECs.lvh[u L


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How to Cite

درياق م. ه. (2019). المعوقات السياسية للتكامل الاقتصادي الأفريقي دراسة في تأثير الحروب الأهلية على التكامل في منطقة الكوميسا . Economic Studies Journal, 2(1), 175–150. Retrieved from https://journal.su.edu.ly/index.php/esj/article/view/2017