The impact of the dimensions of the Quality of work life on the administrative creativity of the staff at Al Marj Teaching Hospital


  • سليمان سالم جمعة محاضر بكلية الاقتصاد - جامعة عمر المختار



Quality of Work Life, Administrative Creativity


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the dimensions of the Quality of work life on the administrative creativity of the staff of Al Marj Educational Hospital. The study was conducted on the administrative staff of the hospital (190) employees. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive analytical method was used, and a questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of (127) employees. (115) valid questionnaires were retrieved with a percentage of (90%). The study reached several conclusions, the most important of which are: The level of availability of the dimensions of the Quality of work life in the hospital under study was low, the level of staff practice for administrative creativity was low, and the existence of correlation and positive impact between the dimensions of the Quality of work life and administrative creativity of the staff.


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How to Cite

جمعة س. س. (2020). The impact of the dimensions of the Quality of work life on the administrative creativity of the staff at Al Marj Teaching Hospital. Economic Studies Journal, 3(1), 25–51.