The extent to which a spreadsheet program (Excel) can be used in performing accounting tasks: (An exploratory study to identify the views of accountants in Libyan firms).


  • د.علي عبدالسلام الشريف أستاذ مساعد، قسم المحاسبة كلية الاقتصاد، جامعة مصراته، ليبيا
  • محمد الطيب الصادق خريج قسم المحاسبة، كلية الاقتصاد جامعة مصراته، ليبيا
  • بدر عبدالسلام أبوشرود خريج قسم المحاسبة، كلية الاقتصاد، جامعة مصراته، ليبيا


Excel program, Performing accounting tasks, accountants


This study aimed to identify the extent to which spreadsheet programs (Excel) can be used in performing accounting tasks in Libyan companies, that is due to the large volume of corporate transactions and the inadequacy of the traditional manual system in recording and analyzing accounting information. In order to shorten the time and expedite the preparation of the project's financial statements, the Excel program is used in performing calculations readily and with a high degree of quality.
The researchers used the questionnaire to collect information from the target sample, and the study adopted the SmartPLS 3 program which is used in testing the study's hypothesis and analyzing the relationship between the study's variables.
The study found a strong relationship between the ability of accountants to use the tasks and functions available in the Excel program (AAEX) and the implementation of accounting tasks using by the Excel program (ACEX); this relationship was statistically enhanced by P.value (0.095). The results were showed that the tasks and functions available in the Excel program are all used by accountants in performing their work, but there are some tools that are used more than others, and that 47% of the available functions and tasks are able to use them, and 53% of them are unable to use them.



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How to Cite

د.علي عبدالسلام الشريف, محمد الطيب الصادق, & بدر عبدالسلام أبوشرود. (2023). The extent to which a spreadsheet program (Excel) can be used in performing accounting tasks: (An exploratory study to identify the views of accountants in Libyan firms). Economic Studies Journal, 6(2), 305–325. Retrieved from