Competitiveness and Exchange Rate in Libya


  • د.عبدالحميد أحمد عثمان حامد كلية الاقتصاد و العلوم السياسية، جامعة مصراتة، مدينة مصراتة، ليبيا
  • أ. أحمد سعد أبوفناس كلية الاقتصاد و العلوم السياسية، جامعة مصراتة، مدينة مصراتة، ليبيا


Exchange rate, Competetiveness, Overvaluation, Undervaluation, Libya


  • This paper tried to measure the Libyan dinar exchange rate misalignments during (1962-2021). Time series techniques are used such as Stationarity and Co-integration tests, Procedure of (Hodrick- Prescott) Filter and Fully Modified Least Squares. This paper found noticeable time misalignments from the equilibrium path of the Libyan dinar exchange rate. The measurements indicated that during the periods (1974-1978), (1986-2000) and (2011-2020) there were overvaluation states. In the other direction, there were undervaluation states during the periods (1962-1973), (1979-1985), (2001-2010). Obviously, during 2021 there were a considerable undervaluation state. It could be the undervaluation states are the most suitable for an economy such Libya in order to encourage the non-oil sector by achieving competitiveness of local products in global markets. This would enhance the economic situation of Libya through competitiveness and attracting foreign investment to Libya.



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How to Cite

د.عبدالحميد أحمد عثمان حامد, & أ. أحمد سعد أبوفناس. (2023). Competitiveness and Exchange Rate in Libya. Economic Studies Journal, 6(2), 154–162. Retrieved from